Drain Line Renovation in Tucson, AZ

Home owner was experiencing water on the floor after running a load of laundry. We investigated the situation, eventually opened the drywall behind washing machine, exposing the laundry drain line. Found that this pipe had separated from the cast iron, allowing for all of the water from the washer to discharge into the wall and onto the floor. Accessed the vertical waste stack by cutting an access through the kitchen cabinet, where the stove would hide the access location. Removed cement block around drain piping, cut out compromised piping and installed new ABS Pipe and fittings. New connection installed for laundry, kitchen drain line, and clean-out tee. Ran drain cleaning equipment through new clean-out, ensuring drain line is open and flowing. Made necessary plumbing connections, tested for function and leaks. Reset panel cut in cabinets, reset stove and washing machine. Client is happy.

Zing Plumbing - Drain Line Renovation
Zing Plumbing - Drain Services
Zing Plumbing - Drain Plumbing Services