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Expert Tips to Lower Water Bills This Summer

Use Less Water This Summer With These Tips 

During the summer, a home’s bills often go up. Luckily, when it comes to water usage, there are plenty of easy opportunities for savings. Saving water during the summer is easy when homeowners know the proper steps to take. Here are some tips from local experts that can help reduce water usage. With a little effort from those in the home, along with letting the plumbing do a lot of the work, people can conserve water and lower their water bills during the summer heat. 

Install Water-Saving Devices and Plumbing Fixtures 

showerOne of the best things any homeowner can do to save water and money is to install water-saving appliances and fixtures to replace any old, water-inefficient fixtures in their homes. This allows them to sit back and let the fixtures and appliances do the work for them. These water-saving plumbing fixtures and appliances include: 

  • Low-flow shower heads use around 20% less water than conventional shower heads 
  • Water-saving toilets come in many types and can save significantly, as toilets are the main source of water usage inside the home 
  • High-efficiency washing machines use less energy and water to clean clothes
  • Efficient dishwashers also use less energy and money to wash dishes
  • Water-saving faucets and faucet aerators save water without sacrificing water pressure by mixing air into the water

Know How to Water the Lawn for Maximum Effect 

lawnOne expense for any home, especially in the summer, is irrigation which keeps the property looking great and the plants alive. Unfortunately, too many people unnecessarily waste water because they don’t know how to run their irrigation system properly for maximum results. For starters, any sprinkler or automatic irrigation system should have a rain sensor so it doesn’t run and waste water while it rains or shortly thereafter. This is especially important in the summer monsoon season.  

For regular watering, homeowners should aim to water their plants in the early morning, preferably before sunrise. Watering at this time prevents mold growth which is common during overnight waterings but allows enough time before evaporation for water to soak into the soil. By watering effectively, homeowners can prevent having to water their plants more often than necessary and reduce their water use while also keeping the landscape pristine. 

More Easy Ways to Limit Water Usage 

The final step in reducing water bills and usage is to change bad habits. While water-saving plumbing fixtures can do the lion’s share of the work when it comes to saving water, the final piece of the puzzle is the habits of those using the property. To save water, adopt water-saving habits like: 

  • Turning off the tap while lathering in the shower, brushing teeth, and shaving
  • Wait until washing machines and dishwashers are full before running them
  • Take shorter showers
  • Look for leaks periodically and call for leak repairs immediately

About Zing Plumbing

The team at Zing Plumbing are local expert plumbers serving Tucson and the surrounding areas. They provide flat rate pricing, emergency service, and modern solutions. Call them today for plumbing services in Tucson, AZ.