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Just Because Earth Day is Over, Doesn't Mean You Can't Still Conserve Water!

Make Every Day Earth Day With These 3 Tips for Water Conservation

One of the best ways homeowners celebrate Earth Day is by taking a look at their water usage. This is a habit that can easily be carried over into every other day of the year! Running water is essential for modern life. It helps people stay clean, hydrated, and happy. But some water habits can wastewater and send the water bill to the sky. Luckily, a little goes a long way when it comes to water conservation. 

Saving water is all about taking a look at places for homeowners to save water without changing their whole life around. With a few changes,  a home can cut its water bill down while helping Mother Earth all at the same time. Read on to discover easy and practical water conservation tips. 

Know When to Turn The Tap Off

turn off An ideal place to start for water conservation is in the bathroom. A simple twist of the wrist can turn the tap off when it’s not in use. When members of the household are brushing their teeth, the water should only be on to wet the toothbrush and wash the frothy spit down the drain. It takes an average of 2 minutes to brush one’s teeth properly, so keeping the water off while brushing is a powerful way to conserve water. 

When people are shaving and washing their hands, they can do some good by keeping the water off when they aren’t using it. This means that when shaving, the tap is on only when the water is explicitly needed. When hand-washing, the water can stay off during the 20 seconds of lathering the soap on the hands.

Which is Better: Showers or Baths?

bath The shower vs. bath debate has been pretty handily settled. Showers use less water, on average. Of course, this depends on many factors, such as the type of showerhead and how long the shower takes. For those that take long showers, a bath once in a while can help save water. 

Older showerheads can also waste a lot of water. Modern showerheads have flow restrictors, which help save water while maintaining a powerful shower stream. So those homeowners with old plumbing and showerheads could save some water by taking a bath once or twice a week. Either that or they can upgrade their showerhead. 

Detecting Leaks in Pipes, Couplings, and Faucets

Small, hidden leaks are also a big culprit of wasting water. It may not be enough to waste even half a gallon in a day, but minor leaks add up over time. And they usually get bigger when they aren’t addressed. This is why homeowners should get their plumbing checked for leaks at least twice a year. This includes all pipes, couplings, and faucets. 

That small drip from the showerhead is easy to fix and serves to save a lot of water during the course of a year. Professional plumbers have the know-how and tools to find even small leaks in a home’s plumbing system. 

About Zing Plumbing 

For years, the fast and friendly professionals at Zing Plumbing have been proud to serve Tucson, AZ. They always provide flat-rate pricing and expert workmanship. Plus, every job comes with a satisfaction guarantee! Contact them today to learn more about their leak detection services.